Hey amazing empath!

Do you agree that sudden change can be a little...overwhelming at times?

As amazing as our empathic abilities are, they also mean that we need a little extra time to adjust and acclimate to new situations and incoming energy.

Next time you're faced with a sudden change, please be patient with yourself! You probably need some extra time to process the new information and adjust to the shifting energy around you.

You’re not trying to be difficult or stubborn - you just want to make sure you’re showing up in the best possible way.

Try not to be so hard on yourself for needing a little extra time to adjust. It's okay to take a step back, breathe, and give yourself the space you need to process.

Remember, our goal as empaths is to show up as our best selves and bring our unique gifts to the world. So let's all take the time we need to adjust and acclimate, and then go out there and shine!

Love, Michelle x

(fellow Empath and Sensitive)