Are you a Medium?

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Are you a Medium?

Hey friend! So you’re wondering, “am I a Medium?

Here are 11 signs you may have the ability to connect with the Other Side and share their messages with the Living…

Here are 11 signs you could be a Medium

  1. You have seen one or more deceased family members. In my case I saw my grandmother standing at the foot of my bed when I was young. A little creepy at the time but I’ve since understood it was my grandmother coming to bring me comfort during a challenging time in my life.

  2. You see shadows, blinking lights or strongly sense an invisible presence.

  3. You had an imaginary friend or group of imaginary friends as a child. They would talk with you and play with you. They felt as real to you as your physical friends.

  4. You just know things about people who have passed. People you’ve never met.

  5. You feel like someone is watching you. Wherever you go you feel like a presence is always with you, aware of what you are doing. This is likely someone from the other side trying to get your attention. It can also be your guides. Don’t worry though. They don’t accompany you to the bathroom or the shower. But they do stay close to you because they know you are someone who can feel their presence and potentially pass along a message to their loved ones still here in the physical world.

  6. You are fascinated and obsessed with the paranormal, the afterlife and anything to do with psychics, mediums or angels.

  7. You are deeply spiritual and feel you have a calling from God/The Universe to be a Medium in this lifetime.

  8. Your senses heighten like crazy when the lights go out. As a kid (maybe even now) you are terrified of the dark. This is because our senses heighten when the lights shut out and our eyes are closed. I know it can feel scary but there is nothing to fear regardless of how it may feel.

  9. You can talk to animals and believe that animals deserve the same amount of love, kindness and respect as human beings. When I mean ‘talk to animals.’ I don’t mean literally. I mean telepathically. You know what animals are feeling. You can sense their pain and joy. You know what they need. It feels like instinct to you.

  10. When someone passes away you feel a strong connection to them. Even if they were not a family member or friend. You may not have even met them in the physical. Yet, you still you feel a deep connection.

  11. When you meditate, you see different faces flash before you. These faces are often those of people who have passed and who are dropping into your awareness to get your attention.


If you feel that you might be a Medium I recommend the following…

  1. Join one of my Development Circles. Explore your abilities in a safe and supportive environments. Receive coaching along the way.

  2. Immerse yourself in everything and anything to do with Mediumship. Read books, get a Reading, and watch other Mediums work in-person and online.. You will soon know as you begin your research if you are a Medium. It’s not something you become. It is who you already are…

  3. Book a one-hour AM I A MEDIUM? session. I would love to guide you in developing your mediumistic gifts and abilities.

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