1. red heart: RED FLAGS

This message encourages you to to pay close attention to repeated signs and to trust your instincts.

Your intuition is a powerful tool that can help guide you when you're feeling uncertain or confused. It's time to listen to your inner voice and trust that it's trying to show you something behind the scenes. If you're repeatedly seeing signs that something isn't quite right in your relationship, it's important to address it and not ignore it.

You may feel tempted to dismiss your intuition or brush it off as paranoia, but the message here is that your instincts are genuine and they are trying to protect you. It's time to trust yourself and honor your feelings. By doing so, you can gain clarity and insight into what's really going on in your relationship.

Remember, it's always better to address any concerns or doubts early on, rather than waiting until it's too late. Trust your intuition and have faith that by doing so, you're taking the necessary steps to protect yourself and your well-being.

The universe is always guiding and supporting you on your journey, and with the right mindset and actions, you can navigate any challenge that comes your way. Trust yourself and trust in the divine timing of things, and have faith that everything will work out for the highest good.


This is a clear message that it's time to walk away from a relationship that is no longer serving your highest good. It's time to release yourself from the pain and burden of holding onto something that is no longer bringing you joy or fulfillment.

You may have been holding onto this relationship for various reasons, such as fear of being alone, a sense of obligation, or a belief that things will improve over time. However, the heart you selected is spirit saying it's time to listen to yourself and have faith that better things await you.

Walking away from a relationship can be difficult and emotional, but it's important to remember that you deserve to be happy and loved. By walking away from what's no longer serving you, you're creating space for something new and better to enter your life. For both yourself and your partner.

You may experience some sadness and grief as you let go of this relationship, but trust that it's all part of the healing process. This message is reminder that you have the strength and courage to make the right decision for yourself.

Remember to be kind and compassionate with yourself during this time, and know that the universe is always guiding and supporting you on your journey. Trust in the divine timing of things, and have faith that the best is yet to come when you choose to walk away.


This heart holds a message for you that your relationship is worth sticking with, but it will require some effort and investment of time and energy to make it work well. This relationship has the potential to be fulfilling and deeply rewarding, but it will require you to both give it the attention and care it deserves.

Relationships are lot like plants, they need care, attention, and nourishment to grow and thrive. This message is a reminder that your relationship is no exception. It's time to invest your time and energy in this relationship and nurture it to help it flourish.

Nurturing your relationship can take many forms, such as spending quality time together, communicating openly and honestly, expressing your love and appreciation, and making an effort to understand each other's needs and desires. It's about creating a safe and loving space where you can both feel supported, valued, and understood.

Remember, nurturing your relationship is an ongoing process. It's not a one-time event but a continuous effort that requires your commitment and dedication. However, the rewards of a loving and fulfilling relationship are immeasurable and worth the effort.

Trust in the power of love and have faith that with the right effort and attention, your relationship can thrive and bring you a lifetime of joy and happiness.