Hey beautiful,

Do you often find yourself staying in relationships longer than you should? Me too!

It's not because we're weak or indecisive - it's because we feel things on such a deep level that we want to give people a chance to show us their true selves.

But here's the thing - if a relationship isn't serving us, it's okay to walk away. It's important to recognize our own truth about our feelings and trust our intuition when it comes to what's best for us.

We don't have to settle for less than we deserve just because we feel a strong emotional connection. We deserve to be with someone who uplifts and supports us, and who honors our empathic gifts.

So, let's agree today to start recognizing our own truth and trusting our intuition.

If a relationship isn't right for us, it's okay to walk away with love and grace.

We deserve to be happy, fulfilled, and surrounded by people who appreciate and honor our amazing empathic gifts!

Don’t you agree? :)

Love, Michelle x

(fellow Empath and Sensitive)