Hello beautiful,

Can we take a moment to talk about our health and stomachs?

If you're like me, you might find that you're prone to digestive issues and autoimmune disorders. And as it turns out, our empathic nature might be part of the reason!

As empaths, we feel things on a deep level - and that can cause stress and tension in our bodies. Our nervous system is constantly in overdrive, which can take a toll on our gut health and immune system.

But fear not! There are things we can do to help manage these issues. By focusing on developing our personal power and minimizing stress in our lives, we can help ease the burden on our bodies.

This might mean setting boundaries with people who drain our energy, practicing self-care on a regular basis, and finding healthy ways to cope with stress and anxiety.

Remember, as empaths, our sensitivity is our greatest strength - but it's important to take care of ourselves, both mentally and physically.

So commit today to nourishing your body and mind, and embracing your amazing empathic self!

Love, Michelle x

(fellow Empath and Sensitive)