The Language of Intuition


Everyone is intuitive. Some more developed than others. Regardless of ability, all of us possess the language of Intuition - commonly known as “The Clairs”.


When someone experiences a Clairaudient impression, it will arise in the mind as a sound, series of words, or a short set of clear instructions.

As you approach an intersection, you may hear the words “WATCH OUT!!” If you didn’t “hear” this impression you may have stepped onto the roadway and into the path of a speeding car. This is an example of clairaudience.


When someone experiences a Clairvoyant impression, it will arise in the mind as a mental image, symbol, or short scene that can look like a mini film strip playing out in the head. These impressions are usually meaningful, metaphorical or symbolic. They can also be literal depending on context.

To get a sense of what Clairvoyance is like, close your eyes and imagine a scene from your childhood. Next visualize a picture of your favorite celebrity. Finally, imagine a yellow star.

When a person receives a Clairvoyant impression, it is usually very quick. The image will appear like a flash across the person’s awareness.

Let’s say you are meeting you’re mom for lunch. While sitting there you see an image of a woman crying in your mind. This is an example of Clairvoyance. The image could represent your mom feeling sad or depressed.


Clairsentience is the most common of the clairs. Clairsentience is concerned with feelings. Energetic feelings, physical feelings and emotions.

People who possess a developed clairsentient ability, often sense the emotions of others. They know what people are feeling, and often get a lot of gut feelings about people, situations and places.

Whether it's butterflies in the stomach or a pressure in the chest, this is the language of Clairsentience.

People who are developed Clairsentients, are also usually pretty good lie detectors. They can sense a fake and a liar a mile away.


Lastly, claircognizance involves sudden thoughts and knowledge inside the mind that seem to come from nowhere. Unlike the other Clairs, you don’t experience a feeling, “see” an image or “hear” a thought. Suddenly, you just know.

These sudden bursts of intuition are often referred to as “spontaneous bouts of clarity”, “intuitive downloads” or sudden “inner knowings.”

A claircognizant experience involves sudden insights and knowledge about yourself, another person, or a particular situation or event without rational logic or reason.

In the Intuitive’s Toolbox and Awaken the Medium courses you can learn more details about the Clairs, and how you can strengthen and develop.

Would you like help awakening and developing your gifts? Click here to get started. Or, if you have questions send me an email. Michelle xo