What is a Clairvoyant?

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Are you Clairvoyant?

In French, "clairvoyant" literally means "clear-seeing," mentally or optically and suggests a keen sense of perception.

Nowadays we often give this title to someone who has Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), an unexplainable ability to see, know or perceive things that others cannot.

Clairvoyance does not necessarily mean seeing with the physical eye, although it does include seeing as such. But usually, as in my own case, we ‘see’ with our mental eye - our third eye.

Clairvoyance is an ability which many unknowingly possess. With time and dedication our Clairvoyant ability can be developed.

Through the practice of visualization, meditation and various visually focused mental exercises, many of which I share in my Instant Intuition and Mediumship Courses, we can strengthen our Clairvoyant gifts.

9 Indicators Your Might Be Clairvoyant

  1. You see flashing lights and orbs.

  2. You can see colors around people. You can see their aura.

  3. You can visualize easily and have vivid dreams.

  4. You see blinking or flashing lights with your naked eye.

  5. You are very visual and are drawn to color. You like to paint, draw, work with color.

  6. When you recall events and memories you see them like a mini movie clip in your mind.

  7. You see faces of people in your mind when you close your eyes. (this could also include indicated a connection to the Other Side - a Mediumistic ability.)

  8. You have visions of future events which also indicates a psychic and prophetic ability.

  9. It is easy for you to hold and create images and pictures in your mental awareness.

Would you like help awakening and developing your gifts? Click here to get started. Or, if you have questions send me an email. Michelle xo