Animal Well-being


Are you noticing new and unusual behavior in your pet? Have you recently adopted an animal whose behaviors you don't understand?

Many animal owners wish they could better understand what their pets are thinking and feeling, and Animal Well-being Readings can offer a solution.

What are Animal Well-being Readings?

Animal Well-being Readings are a unique service whereby Michelle connects with animals on a deeper spiritual level, to better understand the needs of the animal.

Through her unique process, Michelle can receive messages about animals; their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.

Understanding Behavioral Issues

Animal Well-being Readings can be particularly beneficial for animal owners who are looking to gain insight into their pet's behavior or health. For example, if a dog is suddenly exhibiting aggressive behavior, or a cat starts becoming reclusive, an Animal Well-being Reading can help uncover the root cause of these behaviors and then relay that information to the owner.

Identifying Physical Issues

In addition to behavioral issues, Animal Well-being Readings can also provide some insights into possible physical issues that may be difficult to diagnose through traditional methods. Animals often experience physical pain and discomfort, but they are unable to express their symptoms in the same way humans can. Through an Animal Well-being Reading, Michelle can connect with the animal on an energetic level and ask them about their physical sensations, which can help identify any underlying issues.

Improve the Bond

Animal Well-being Readings can also help to deepen the bond between animal and owner. By gaining a better understanding of their pet's thoughts and feelings, owners can better meet their needs and create a more harmonious relationship. This can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life for both the animal and the owner.

By working to create a better understanding between humans and animals, we can build a more harmonious and compassionate world for all beings.