Dear friend,

Losing a loved one can be an incredibly difficult and emotional experience, and it's normal to have so many things left unsaid. If you are carrying any words or feelings that you wish you had expressed to your loved one before they passed away, I want to invite you to write a letter to them.

Sometimes, we are not able to say everything we want to say before our loved one's departure. It can be because of the suddenness of their passing, the overwhelming emotions we are feeling, or even because of unspoken tensions in the relationship. But know that it's never too late to express your thoughts and feelings.

Take some time for yourself, sit down with a pen and paper, and write a letter to your loved one. Tell them all the things that you wish you could have said before they passed away. Share with them how much you love and miss them, and let them know how they have impacted your life. Write about the happy memories you shared together, and about the moments you wish you could relive with them.

Although they may not be able to physically read your letter, writing it can be a cathartic and healing experience for you. It's a way to honor their memory and keep their spirit alive. And who knows, maybe in some way, they will be able to receive your words and feel your love.

So, if you're carrying any words you wanted to say but couldn't before they departed, I encourage you to write that letter. It might be just what you need to find some peace and healing during this difficult time.

Sending you all my love and support. ❤️

Love, Michelle x