Hey beautiful,

Can we take a moment to talk about how overwhelming our emotional world can be at times? We feel things so deeply that it can be easy to get caught up in other people's problems and try to fix everything.

But here's the thing - we're not here to solve all the world's problems. We're here to express our truth in the moment, and let go of the things we can't control.

So, when you're feeling overwhelmed by the emotions of others, take a deep breath and remind yourself that it's okay to let go. It's not your responsibility to fix everything or make everyone happy.

Instead, focus on your own truth in the moment, and honor your own emotional needs. Take time to regroup and recenter yourself, whether that means taking a walk in nature, meditating, or simply taking a break from social media.

Remember, as empaths, our emotional world can be both a blessing and a challenge. But by learning how to let go and stay centered in our truth, we can create a more peaceful and fulfilling life for ourselves and those around us.

Love, Michelle x

(fellow Empath and Sensitive)